Cellulite Treatment

I pride myself as being the leading cellulite reduction clinic in London

Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes a lumpy, dimpled aspect of your thighs, hips, bum and abdomen. It is estimated that more than 90% of all women 20 years and older have cellulite. It is less common in men.

Risk factors that increase the development of cellulite include:

  • Age

  • Poor blood circulation (often in the legs)

  • Family history
  • Tissue inflammation

  • Thinning epidermis

  • Loss of collagen

  • Hormones

  • Inefficient lymphatic system

  • Weight gain

  • Dehydration

Medically speaking, cellulite is not dangerous. But, most of us wish to reduce its appearance.
There are 3 main types of cellulite which we can unfortunately cumulate

Soft Cellulite


Mostly visible on our thighs, abdomen, bum and arms, soft cellulite is more apparent when you lie down than when you stand up. The skin has a spongy appearance but it is not painful when you touch it.

Soft cellulite gives the skin a lumpy appearance. It is often associated with varicose / spider veins. Soft cellulite moves when you walk or move. It generally increases with age or weight gain. It is aggravated by lack of muscle tone.

Oedematous cellulite


Oedematous cellulite often affects thighs and knees, but is most frequent in the lower legs. It is mostly due to poor blood circulation and may cause significant fluid retention. The skin is often painful when touched.

Hard Cellulite


Also known as solid cellulite, hard cellulite is localized on the hips and thighs, around the back, and inside of the knees. Hard cellulite is compact and painful when touched.

The new non-invasive combined treatments that tackle the three different types of cellulite have much more spectacular and immediately visible results as women usually suffer from a mix of the 3 types of cellulite in different percentages.

Your Practitioner

I am here to guide you in this process.

With a practical and psychological approach to creating an effective action plan for you that does not destroy your joie de vivre

You can see me face-to-face if you live in London or by video, wherever you are in the world

And remember that pleasure is part of a healthy lifestyle!