Lymphatic drainage is a pleasant and powerful massage that helps reshape your legs and give them a fresh, spring-like feeling !
Lymphatic Drainage is a natural function of the body which can be boosted with pneumatic pressure. The procedure reduces water retention and will make you feel like Lisa Minelli !
If the system is not functioning properly a build-up of fluids (oedema) may appear within the tissues and cause a very unpleasant sensation of heaviness and fatigue – mostly in your legs. This oedema often leads to the compression of blood and lymphatic vessels which can be painful, even at night. Unlike your blood circulation which has a pump (the heart), your lymphatic system cannot move fluids on its own; it relies on the movements of the muscles.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) consists in powerful massages that improve the efficiency of the system, boosting the natural drainage of the lymph. It is often classified as a slimming therapy as it reduces water retention, swollen legs and cellulite.
If the system is not functioning properly a build-up of fluids (oedema) may appear within the tissues and cause a very unpleasant sensation of heaviness and fatigue – mostly in your legs. This oedema often leads to the compression of blood and lymphatic vessels which can be painful, even at night. Unlike your blood circulation which has a pump (the heart), your lymphatic system cannot move fluids on its own; it relies on the movements of the muscles.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) consists in powerful massages that improve the efficiency of the system, boosting the natural drainage of the lymph. It is often classified as a slimming therapy as it reduces water retention, swollen legs and cellulite.
LDT stimulates blood circulation much deeper within the tissues than manual massages.
You will lose about 300g of water in the legs at every 30 minute session making you feel like an astronaut on the Moon ! As it reduces oedema, swelling and the feeling of tiredness LTD actually contributes to reshaping the body (even though it is not its primary purpose). It softens the orange-peel aspect of your skin, gently retones your legs and reduces your risks of varicose veins.
How does it work ?
LDT is a controlled compression system. It uses inflatable boots that fill up with air one from your ankles moving up to your upper thighs. They then deflate every 20 seconds for for half an hour. The treatment is completely painless. It often causes light sweating due to toxin elimination through the skin. A session lasts 30 minutes. You will come off the table feeling relaxed, “light” and rejuvenated immediately.
How many sessions do I need ?
As your blood circulation is boosted and potential oedema reduced, your heavy legs feeling will disappear immediately after each session. To reshape the legs or see results on cellulite, several sessions are necessary.

Is it dangerous?
There are very few contra-indications to lymphatic drainage therapy . It is not recommended if you suffer or have suffered from : vein thrombosis, serious vein or arterial diseases, local infections, heart failure, severe renal pathologies, untreated hypertension, abscesses, tumours.
What the experts say…

“Reducing oedema and swelling in the lower limbs is an essential part of the treatment of venous pathologies. LTD helps minimise the risks of complications and improvse the quality of results in the long term.”

“Many of my patients complain of pain and cramps in the lower limbs as well has oedema in their legs and ankles. In all those cases, medications can help but lymphatic drainage therapy often achieves better and faster results, especially when associated with the use of compression stockings”

What the experts say…

“Reducing oedema and swelling in the lower limbs is an essential part of the treatment of venous pathologies. LTD helps minimise the risks of complications and improvse the quality of results in the long term.”

“Many of my patients complain of pain and cramps in the lower limbs as well has oedema in their legs and ankles. In all those cases, medications can help but lymphatic drainage therapy often achieves better and faster results, especially when associated with the use of compression stockings”
Your Practitioner
I am here to guide you in this process.
With a practical and psychological approach to creating an effective action plan for you that does not destroy your joie de vivre
You can see me face-to-face if you live in London or by video, wherever you are in the world
And remember that pleasure is part of a healthy lifestyle!